Messenger Reviver 2 temporary download

Both Google and Microsoft unblocked the original Reviver links from their respective browser detection engines within 12 and 3 hours respectfully.

Although frustrating for the need to continually stay on top of these false positives, I do applaud them both for being quick and relatively painless to resolve the situation.

I have returned all the links, with the exception of this page, to the originals.


Here is a temporary link to download Messenger Reviver 2

Download Messenger Reviver 2

It seems someone doesn’t like the idea of Messenger Reviver and has reported all my links as malware.


I suspect this may be related to McAfee being slow about removing a recent false positive.  Having these false positives removed takes up time in my life every week, but the antivirus vendors have always removed Reviver without question, although naturally they take their time about doing it.

I find the best way to check software (including Messenger Reviver) is to use  The current analysis reveals that almost every vendor agrees it’s clean.

In the past, I have had infrequent threatening comments directed at me, specifically from those who trust their antivirus software without question and claim that I am harming their computer.  I have had my registrar falsely accuse of me of distributing malware, giving me a 24 hour warning to “remove it” or risk losing my entire account.  In all instances in these situations, after reviewing the real facts, these people stand down.

Ignoring anything else, just thinking logically, why would I, someone who has been assisting people with Messenger problems for for nearly 15 years, run a blog for 10 years, with comments, forum, live chat on a variety Messenger related topics, only to trick a few people into installing malware now.  Why would I ruin my reputation like that?  It just doesn’t make any sense.

Messenger Reviver does not do anything other than what it says it does.  It does not report any statistical data or personal data about yourself or your computer, it does not install anything other than Messenger, it does not contain ads, or contain any income-generating mechanism.  Messenger Reviver loses me time and money and it is simply a work of love.

Which is exactly why the icon for Reviver is Messenger with a heart.

Thanks everyone for your support.

Posted on December 16, 2015, in Messenger, Messenger Tools, News, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. for me it’s still functioning after i downloaded it on a new computer. .

  2. Portuguese:
    Esse programa foi a minha salvação, pois odeio skype e uso ainda o msn
    Isso deve ser coisa de algum invejoso ou da M$…

  3. chrome says also that is a virus!! -.-

  4. pour moi de mon coté je n’est pas de probléme avec l’antivirus, du faite qu’il est paramétrer juste pour les virus, et uniquement pour les virus, donc moi je pensse que c’est une histoire de paramétrage, parce que comme je le dit, moi de mon coté tout fonctionne tres bien, et en plus de sa je prévoi d’arréter mon antivirus, des que son abonnement cera fini, ce qui fait que je n’aurais plus d’antivirus, et je n’est pas peur de sa, car les antivirus prénne beaucou de mémoire, et c’est ce qui les fait renlentir, car j’ai fait l’expérience sans antivirus, et il va beaucou plus vite.pour moi les antivirus c’est surtout pour faire peure au gent.mes c’est vrais que tout ce qui est nouveaux,pour les antivirus,c’est prix pour un virus,alor que c’est une histoire de pour les antivirus les numéro de licence son prix pour des virus, parce que j’en est essayer beaucou et aucun ne me convien, parce que les numéro de licence il les prénne pour des virus,que ce soi n’inporte quel c’est pour cela que je dit le meilleur c’est de ne pas avoir d’antivirus et de faire attention ou on va.comme sa il n’y a pas de probléme de encore une foi pour moi tout fonctionne correctement,et merci pour avoir remis windows live messenger avec l’intermediere de MessengerReviver,parce que moi je m’en sert beaucou conparer a skype que je ne me sert pas du tout,et si vous pouvier le lésser en route définitivement sa cerais super,et je vous remerci pour tout

  5. You have done nothing but assist me and help greatly with Messenger Reviver. Even though there are some glitches here and there at rare times when I use messenger itself, till this day I have still been able to use it to chat with my best friend without a hitch. So thanks, John!

  6. Chrome is currently blocking it as a virus (Dec. 23, 2015) but I was able to download it with Internet Explorer and disabling the built in AV software that comes with Windows. Thank you so much for this. I only use Skype when I have to, and I hate the messenger part of it. Messenger is a good product that did what it was supposed to do.

    • Glad it was helpful, but I really can’t confirm what you’re seeing. Both in personal testing and Google/Microsoft’s respective sites for monitoring sites, none of Reviver is blocked presently. Even all 56 virus scanners on VirusTotal are in agreement that Reviver is safe and free of false positives.

  7. a friend of mine try to download the reviver 2mbut the bullguard antivirus he has,blocked the reviver.what can he do,jonathan????

  8. Hey Jonathan, I recently reinstalled my Windows 10, but whenever I try to download Reviver, Windows Defender stops it and removes it because its apparently labeling it as a virus. I had to disable Defender first before I could continue. Weird thing is….this never happened before. Smartscreen used to block it, but I could still install it if I wished. Any solution to this?

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