Messenger presently offline

At approximately 15:45 UTC, the Messenger bn2 servers have stopped responding.  Investigations are still underway but you will be unable to connect.

You will receive the following possible error codes: 80072efd, 81000306 and 80072efd 81000301.

If you are still signed in, do not sign out or you will not be able to sign in again at the moment.

EDIT: Scanning through IP ranges hasn’t found a suitable replacement, Butterfly Messenger and the Windows 8.0 client do not appear to be working either.  Skype is still working.

EDIT 2: Also of note, if Messenger cannot be restored, all focus will shift towards the Escargot server and continuing its development. Visit the forum for discussion and contacts to add.

EDIT 3: After more scanning and hoping, there’s no sign of the public Messenger server.  Unfortunately this means, Messenger Reviver 2 support will have to end.  If you haven’t already done so, please read my final Reviver 2 post as I’ve tried my best to pay tribute to a great messaging client and service.

Posted on May 18, 2017, in Messenger, News. Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. Yes… i confirm. Having the same problem.

  2. I have the same problem. For me though, ( don’t know if its for others) it doesn’t matter if I was logged on or not at the moment of outrage, because it kicked me out by default when going offline.

  3. When can it be reused? Do you know if msn 2009 could be used again?

  4. Neither revived MSN or Skype are working for me. On Skype it says “Skype can’t connect”.

    • bonjour, pour moi MSN ne fonctionne pas, mes skype lui en échange fonction correctement, ce que je trouve domage, car j’aurais préférer MSN, mes bon, on va faire avec, puisqu’il ne reste plus que sa.

  5. I was booted off WLM repeatedly this a.m. Thought it was on my end. Unfortunately I use it for work. Do NOT like Skype. Oh, well…

  6. I got 80072efd; it started yesterday. 😦

    Yo, Jonathon! Can U tell us when our WLMs will be back online?

  7. Please bro i want Msn messenger 7.5 back

  8. Looks like it might finally be dead for good. What a sad day.

  9. Error code: 80072efd.
    I love msn do not abandon it
    ç.ç ~

  10. Estou instalando novamente para ver se funciona

    • Harley Quinn

      Geferson, eu já fiz isso aqui, mas não funcionou, infelizmente…
      Parece que é um problema com o MSN mesmo. Até o Butterfly parou de funcionar. 😦

  11. Oh no… I hope it gets fixed 😦

  12. esperemos que msn vuelva a conectar pronto….. no m gusta nada el skype

  13. Como arrumar Windows Live Messenger 2012 para entrar

  14. Messenger does not work, I can not live without it

  15. bonjour, je vien de récupérer msn messenger 7.0, mes par contre je n’est plus aucun contacte, car ma liste est vide. et il y a une chose que je voudrais aussi dire, mon deusième compte qui est, ne fonctionne pas du tout. donc je vous demande de bien vouloir faire le nécéssaire, afin que je puisse récupérer mon deusième conmpte. merci

  16. Microsoft, all of us hate you!!!!!!
    god will revenge you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. bonjour, ce qu’il fadrais faire, c’est un MSN sur les nouveaux serveur, tout simplement.

  1. Pingback: Use Messenger Reviver 2 to bring back Messenger and beat Skype | Jonathan Kay, MessengerGeek

  2. Pingback: Messenger Reviver 2 Discontinued | Jonathan Kay, MessengerGeek

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