Butterfly Messenger

It’s no small thing to say that the reaction to Windows Live Messenger 2009 and related clients that use the older Messenger protocol has been pretty intense.  Regardless if you’re using Windows XP, you have a favourite feature that’s missing in the 2012 version, or you simply do not want to use Skype, it seems everyone is looking for another option to choose from.

Butterfly Messenger

Butterfly Messenger is an improved working version of the client used to demonstrate MSNPSharp.   It supports the same protocol version as Windows Live Messenger 2012 (MSNP21), and has the a basic Messenger feature set.

The current release is an alpha version of Butterfly Messenger intended to be used to collect feedback on bugs, features and other changes.  However, it is relatively stable and usable.

Butterfly Messenger

System Requirements

Butterfly Messenger currently requires Windows XP or above with at least the .NET Framework 2.0 or above installed.

Although MSNPSharp was deliberately written to support Mono (on other platforms), the client presently does not run on Mono (but probably works on WINE), hopefully this will be addressed later for Linux and/or OS X compatibility.

Download and installation

You can now download the third alpha release of Butterfly Messenger.  Due to the early nature of the project, it does not presently have an installer and you will need to extract the files to a folder of your choice and run it from there.  Butterfly Messenger makes use of the Segoe UI font (like Messenger).  If you do not have the Segoe UI font installed right now, you can install it from the Messenger 2009 files.

Feedback and bugs

Please feel free to leave quick comments here on this post, but if you wish to go in depth, you can make use of the Butterfly Messenger category on the forum.

Known issues

  • Depending on the situation, brand new conversation windows may blink even if they’re in focus.  If you start typing a reply, they should stop blinking.
  • Flickering in the contact list.
  • Custom emoticons will appear, but the current conversation window does not support animated GIFs.  Animated GIF display pictures work though.
  • You cannot rename contacts.

Open Source

Butterfly Messenger is open source software and based on the MSNPSharp project code.  A repository will be set up shortly once more details about the project have been finalized.

Oct 10 2015
  • Further nameserver exception fix
Sep 23 2015
  • Fixes Nameserver exception trying to connect to by changing server hostname to the same one used for Reviver
Mar 25 2015
  • First alpha release of Butterfly Messenger

Posted on March 25, 2015, in Messenger, Messenger Tools, Tools. Bookmark the permalink. 94 Comments.

  1. Hi Jonathan, can you add video call to Butterfly, just like MSN 2009? That would be so great.

  2. Lemme say this again: I’m dying for a notifier for Butterfly.


  3. nameserver error exception unable to login… MSNPSharp.ConnectivityException socketmessageprocessor.etc etc. host failed to respond is server down?

    • same error here 😦

      • I’ve been through all my test accounts and can’t duplicate the problem. My guess is that some accounts are being redirected to servers that don’t exist anymore. If anyone wouldn’t mind me using their account for a few hours (after changing the password), please let me know as workarounds might be possible.

        • u can use my acc ‘ll talk you in msn

        • bonsoir, cela fait quel que moi que j’avez tout arrêter, et la je vien de reprendre, et je m’apperçoi que j’ai toujour le même probléme qu’avent, c’est a dire que quand je me connecte a windows live messenger 2012 j’apparez hors ligne alors que je suis connecter. quant je me connecte a windows live messenger 2012, il y a bien mon panneau qui apparez au démarage comme je les paramétrer en disant que je suis connecter a deux endroit ce qui est normale puisque je suis connecter aussi a skype en attendent que mon probléme soit réglé.
          j’ai aussi le même probléme avec le logiciel MSNPSharp, qui lui ne ce connecte pas car il est toujour avec le probléme d’érreur que j’avez signaler et don je ne m’en rappelle pas du faite que c’est trop long a écrir et donc de ce rappeller.
          donc je vous demande si c’est possible de voir ce qu’il ne va pas, parce que je pensser que depui le moi de septembre le probléme aurait du être régler, ce qui n’est pas le qua parce que comme je vous les dit toute au debut de mon message j’avez arrêter, et je vien tout juste de reprendre.
          dans l’attente de votre réponce, je vous demande de bien vouloir faire le necessaire pour que tout refonctionne comme avent en espérant que l’on ce comprènne merci.

  4. Yo, Jonathan! After you finish the workarounds, please give the program a notifier.

  5. greetins jonathan , when u launch an update for butterfly? ty

  6. It seems to work okay, too bad I got nobody to talk to. lol I am trying to get my friend to sign in….so maybe I can test it out….but until such time I got to wait….but I was able to sign in. I think its brilliant though, especially since reviver doesn’t work for me.

  7. It’s not working for me anymore, I just receive a “Nameserver Exception” error. ):

  8. Every time i try log in butmsgr it duzn’t work
    And open a window with this advise to me:

    Nameserver exception
    MSNPSharp.ConnectivityException: SocketMessageProcessor encountered a socket exception while retrieving data. See the inner exception for more information. —> System.Net.WebException: Impossível conectar-se ao servidor remoto —> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Uma tentativa de conexão falhou porque o componente conectado não respondeu

    corretamente após um período de tempo ou a conexão estabelecida falhou

    porque o host conectado não respondeu

    em System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    em System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)

    — Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas —

    em System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)

    em System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    em MSNPSharp.Core.HttpSocketMessageProcessor.EndGetRequestStreamCallback(IAsyncResult ar) na C:\Users\TReKiE\Documents\GitHub\msnp-sharp\MSNPSharp\Core\HttpSocketMessageProcessor.cs:linha 378

    — Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas —

    pls, if you can help me with this i thank very much.
    PS: sorry for my bad english.

  9. Cassiano Lourenço

    Nameserver error continues. I just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s the lastet version (

  10. my issue resolved with the new update. fixed the nameserver socket error thank you mr kay for the ongoing effort

  11. How does picture sharing work with this program compared to MSN?

  12. Why i cant creat a group on windows live messenger? Please help-me! And a conversation with more peoples too.

  13. I tried to log in and I got this error:

    Authentication Failure
    tMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream,Boolean
    yncResult result)

    Why did I receive that error?? (P.S. I had to copy the error text letter by letter because there was no copy-paste option.

  14. I had the same error as Jose. Authentication Failure…

  15. This page is harder to find now since there is no dedicated link for it 😦

  16. can’t add people

  17. Hi Jonathan.

    Has the repository for butterfly messenger been setup yet?

  18. Enter your comment here…Hi Jonathan,

    I’m writing to let you know that under the latest Alpha Build of Miranda NG, MSN Messenger finally works. The build I’m running is: v0.95.6 alpha build #17867. The plugin version of msn is: msn.dll MSN protocol

  19. Hey is butterfly messenger still going to work? i just downloaded it and its taking fairly long to load.. i signed in my account but wont work for some reason please help.

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