Solving Messenger install, reinstall and uninstall issues with ZapMessenger

For users of Windows Live Messenger 2011 and 2012:
Please note that ZapMessenger 1.0 is not compatible with Windows Live Messenger (or Essentials) 2011 or 2012.  No damage will result if you have tried to do use the utility, but due to a substantial change in how Messenger installs itself, ZapMessenger will not work.  An updated version is almost ready, but I am looking for testers who can directly report back on if it was successful in solving their problem.  If you’re interested in helping out, please leave a comment below!

A regular issue faced is the dreaded “Another version of the product is already installed”, “Your computer has a newer version of MSN Messenger than the one you are trying to install”, ““Your computer has a newer version of Windows Live Messenger than the one you are trying to install”, “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable” and similar messages.

Additionally, in some cases the installer can’t be found in the Control Panel’s Programs applet or has become damaged with a  Catastrophic failure (0x8000ffff) error or the Windows Installer is prompting for a missing .msi file which you can’t find anymore.

There are fixes for all these problems, but they’re complicated and can be frustrating to some people.

The fix
With all this in mind, I developed ZapMessenger – the one step tool to completely remove Windows Live Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger 5.x.  The first thing ZapMessenger will do is attempt to cleanly uninstall Messenger normally and if that fails for any reason, it will forcibly remove Messenger from the Windows Installer engine allowing you to reinstall at your leisure without hindrance.

How to use
To use ZapMessenger, just download the zip and run the executable.  No installation is required.   Please note that the .NET Framework 2.0 or above is required, which you can install from Microsoft if you don’t already have it.  The Framework has been on Windows Update for quite some time and is included in Vista by default, so more than likely it is already installed.

Common questions
Will this remove any of my personal customizations – emoticons, display pictures, etc.?
No, currently ZapMessenger deals with the application itself – your personal data will remain and won’t be touched.  I am considering adding this an option to future releases for those looking to do a complete “clean” install.

I get a “.NET Framework Initialization Error” or “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application” when I run ZapMessenger
You’ll need to install at least the 2.0 .NET Framework on your machine.

Version history
11/19/2008 Initial release

Posted on November 19, 2008, in Messenger Tools. Bookmark the permalink. 180 Comments.

  1. Dear Jonathan,
    Thanks for the tool. Looks like this tool Zapmessenger works for most users and are happy. It is not working for me. ZAPmessenger runs for ever. I tried several times immediately after start up . Installing the latest from your site etc combinations .. .No It doesn’t. I see that you are working on a patch is that released to users. I run windows xp. Is there a set of manual commands which you can suggest as a alternative. MsiExec.exe /X{B57EAFF2-D6EE-4C6C-9175-ED9F17BFC1BC} command does install which allows me to reinstall msn messenger. However I am not able to login to MSN 80040154 comes immediately when I loging. Please advice.

  2. Dear Jonathan,
    I am using windows xp sp3 and for some reason your tool Zapmessenger( thank you very much for helping people) I hear a lot of great reviews and happy people, seems to run forever .. I tried to run several times, uninstalled and used the latest from your link still the same result. Please can you advice me on how to proceed. I did Uninstall with MsiExec.exe /X{B57EAFF2-D6EE-4C6C-9175-ED9F17BFC1BC} command, which enables me to install MSN again but when I try to login each time I get error 80040154 immediately after I click login. Please any advice to me. Thanks a lot.


    • Greetings. I have actually discussed doing this a few times with some of my good Spanish friends (my Spanish is almost non-existent but I do try). To be honest, I have always thought most of my software is pretty simplistic in function, as they are basically one button affairs that just do what they advertise. But perhaps some day in the future I will be able to offer multiple language versions, since you and a few others have asked.

  4. I have Windows Live Essentials 2011 and I NEED to uninstall the Messenger and as you said ZapMessenger doesn’t work. Is there any other software or any updated version to help me?

    • Greetings Farida. I apologize for taking so long to reply.

      Assuming this is still a problem, what exactly is happening when you try to remove 2011 normally? Or, what exactly are you trying to do? One of the (many) big reasons why ZapMessenger hasn’t had another update is that there has been limited information on the exact issues facing 2011 installations.

  5. saray garcia azuaga

    jonathan me gustaria me ayudaras con la desinstalacion de mi messenguer live 2009 pues solo me sale el correo electronico , lo que la pagina msn se me ha borrado y no puedo reinstalarla , gracias Saray Garcia

  6. I can’t remove my Windows Live Messenger 2011 . When I try to install onther virsion it didn’t work ><
    so what should I do ?

  7. sergio vieira

    pl amor de deus alguem pode me estou tentando adias desintalar o msn 2011 que não presta…e não estou conceguindo..ja tentei de tds as maneiras mais não adianta…quero voltar para o msn 2009 pf pf pf alguem pode me dar uma luz…desde-ja fico grato..

  8. teu progama não presta

  9. I am running XPsp3 and just did a clean install of the OS and windows live for XP after doing upgrades and installing adobe flash none of my winks or dynamic displays work and it keeps telling me to install the latest flash, I have uninstalled removed all folders in both application data and removed every registry entry i can find for windows live reinstalled (several times) and rebooted the machine all to no avail gives me the same error. so sad 😦 any help would be appreciated I am going to try the zap but I think manually i have done more anyway .

  10. por que demora mucho en instalarlo

  11. Brilliant, had this problem for more then 12 months never found a cure i prob wasted 6 hours in total over the year trying to find the folders it self. Thanks.

  12. I have uninstall Windows Live 2011 – or I thought and tried to reinstall 2009 – now I am getting the error that I have a newer version on the computer and cannot proceed with the download. What do I do from here? Thanks!

    • Greetings Teresa. Please see the Messenger Reviver page for instructions and the tool on how to get around this problem.

      • Hi Jonathan – thank you for your quick response. I tried the link but it gave me an error – “Messenger could not be found at it’s default location.” Just to clarify – I downloaded Windows 2011 – deleted it and trying to download 2009 but it’s not allowing me too as it’s saying I still have a newer version. Also off the wall question but you seem rather computer smart – when clicking on link in internet explorer I am given blank white pages – any clue? I have tried several things without any luck. Thanks!

      • Hello, again – I sort of fixed my problem but created another. I was able to sign on once but when I tried to again it gave me this error, ” MSN has stopped working.. looking for a solution… Windows will close and notify you if there is a solution.” Any clue?

        • Well that could be just about anything I’m afraid, it would be helpful to know exactly what you did/used to get it working (I’m assuming you forced 2009 to install somehow)?

  13. Hi! I’m sorry if my english it’s bad, I’m portuguese. So, I have a problem and I need some help ;\ I use the windows live messenger 2009 but I’d like to update to version 2011 but I can’t, I can’t uninstall windows live messenger 2009 and I have tried to install windows live messenger 2011 and I couldn’t too, bcause during the installation it ocurred an error. Then I’ve tried to use your program and I have the same problem as some users, It says: “this may take a few minutes” but in reality it never ends ;s what should I do? Thank you, I’ll be waiting for an answer,

    • Greetings Ana. The problem might not even be related to 2009, I’ll have to see your Windows Live Essentials setup error log to really see what’s going on with your installation and how to address it.

      I’ve sent you an e-mail with instructions on where to find the file so you can attach it in a reply to me.

  14. I will be a tester.



      But seriously, what exactly are you trying to accomplish or fix? I’d be happy to let you give my newer version that isn’t linked here a try too.

  16. no me sirve ,me paso quelo borre por partes y no me deja instalar otro ,me dice q ya tengo windows messenger live q yengo una version mas reciente ,el q tenia instalado el del 2012 como lo puedo borrar Por favorr, graciass

  17. hola…. tenia messenger 8.9 y instale una version mas nueva, era sky pero no me gusto y lo desinstale. fui panel de control-agragar y quitar programas. bueno lo desinstale y trate de descargar mi antiguo messenger y dice que tengo una vercion mas reciente en mi pc… y que no puedo instalar hasta que se borre la anterior. pero no consigo donde esta, y descargue zap messenger y tarda mucho por que sera??????
    ayudaaa por favorrr

  18. eu sempre gosto deste programa e muito maravilhoso eu vou gostar muito mesmo eu ja falei com os meus companheiro de trabalho eles falaram para mim que eles vai abrir um programa como esse tanbem eu disse que seriam uma boa para eles eu falei para os meus primo para eles tanbem abrir eles disse que vai abrir um ppprograma tanbem agente pode eviar convite e receber convite enviar mensaguen e receber mensaguen tanbem eu vou gostar e muito mesmo as vez eu chego em casa eu vou abrir meu programa e ai eu vou enviar as minhas mensaguen

  19. I am not sure what i’m getting to

  1. Pingback: Borrar MSN Messenger y Windows Live Messenger por completo

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